If you have the skills, experience and take pride in taking care we would love you to join our Premier Team!
Some of the benefits of working for Premier Care include:
Flexible working hours to suit your lifestyle
The best hourly rates
Paid weekly / Paid mileage
Stable income through regular work
To apply, there is a minimum of 6 months recent experience in the care sector required. If you do not have this amount of experience, we appreciate your visit and would love to have you on-board as we are always looking for enthusiastic applicants. Once you have this experience please contact us again.
Yes, we include enhanced pay which covers your travel costs for journeys over 20 miles round trip, all we ask is that you keep and attach your ticket(s) to your weekly timesheets (this does not include taxi rides).
We can start you on the one you have, but you will need to complete a new one with Premier Care unless you have already subscribed with the online DBS update-service, which means once checked by us you will be DBS compliant.
All mandatory update training is provided. We also have partnered with top online training company to offer training courses tailored to your specific field of work and worker type.
We have workers with us that only want 6 hours per week and others that want 60 plus per week. The option of using flexible hours means hours to suit you and your lifestyle. This way you can balance your work around family life, studying, holidays, every day commitments etc... So all you have to do is let us know when you are available each week, we do our best to match your availability with our clients requests for cover. It really is that simple.
Once you have completed and returned your application form, Employers references will be sought by our Recruitment Team prior to your application being processed. Upon receipt of all references you will be contacted to arrange a mutually convenient time/day to attend an interview.
Please return the completed registration form to your local branch. Details of your local branch are included in the pack.
Please return this completed registration form to our Nurse Manager. Details enclosed.
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